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Portal notifications for clients



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    Sharon Cholfin


    Thanks for using the Conarc portal to voice your question!  Yes, Development has been working very hard on the portal notifications and have recently corrected the below-

    1. Filename and Title are not being populated because DocumentID is being passed to the query, but DocumentCode is what it is expecting. Change the query to expect DocumentID and continuing passing "id".

    2. Remove DocumentID from being displayed in the email. It's confusing and meaningless to external clients.

    3. Change the hardcoded subject to "Documents Uploaded to the Portal"

    We are still working on making the notifications totally customizable. The above fixes are included in the latest release.  Just submit a ticket to get an update (if you haven't already) and you will get the fixes listed.

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    Trent Ellis

    Hi Sharon, thanks for the info. Do we have to be at the latest version to get the updates you mentioned?

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    Ryan Owens

    Sharon, I'm having a tough time with email notifications and portal after the latest 2.16.2 update. Here's a list of things that appear to be a result of the update (which we performed solely because email notifications were not going out on our system).

    - Clients still do not receive email notifications of published documents 
    - Employees receive multiple email notifications (2-3) of files that were uploaded 
    - Clients cannot download files from the portal 

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