Possible Enhancement Request: Quick Search Auto-Completing as Typing
Please cast your vote YES or NO if you see this being a valuable addition in iChannel.
Also, please add any comments if you see it working differently. We will be accepting all feedback on this pending item until April 30th, 2019. We will then meet internally and discuss the option for this feature.
Currently in iChannel:
User goes to Quick Search on the top right and enter at least 3 characters and click enter, search results them show on next screen.
Requested in iChannel:
Clients have asked that as they type in Quick Search it begins to populate matches.
We want your feedback. Do you think the suggestion is something you like to see in iChannel? How do you think it should work?
Official comment
So glad to get your feedback, Melissa!
We hope you are planning on joining us May 1-3 in Tampa Bay! We will be having a Round Table on Pending Enhancements. We think there will be some great feedback and ideas when all the users get together and are able to have face to face conversations!
For your reference the current agenda, registration link, and hotel registration info. and link can be found here:
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