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Possible Enhancement Request: iChannel Printer



  • Official comment
    Lacy Magby (old)

    There are lots of things to think about when Implementing these Enhancement Items. 

    Right now we are gauging interest. If there is enough interest and positive feedback we would then go into phase 2 which would include thinking about how it should work exactly, and how it would affect current iChannel items.

    We will keep you posted on this item and if selected Brian will keep the Community page up to date with our progress!



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    Steven Kurinsky

    How would this work with auto routing? Or would our users need to save the file name to our firms standards.

    Would it work like ichannel desktop where we can assign categories and publish to portal if needed.

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    Karen Gromis

    I don't think this is necessary since you can print to the iChanneldesk folder and gives you all the save options anyway.  I'm thinking the request is probably related to the functionality that CCH's Engagement printer has where it prompts where and how to save a document during the print steps.

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